Perfect Guide for Longboarding In the Rain, Precautions for Safer Rides

Nothing can stop longboard enthusiasts from enjoying adventurous rides, but the rainy season is one of those hurdles that scare newbies. That’s the major reason why people keep asking if longboarding in rain is safe or not. So, we have to go through a few factors before we conclude something.

Longboarding in the rain is safe only if riders take necessary precautions. We, in this article, will explain all the factors you need to consider before the experience of riding in the monsoon. Also, we have added some newer tips that you must apply if riding in the rain. Let’s answer the frequently asked questions related to this topic, and then we will recommend everything required. 

Precautions for Longboarding in the Rain

The intermediate and pro riders know that longboarding in rain might not be a good choice if they are not aware of all the precautions you need to take care of. Such as finding a suitable deck and friendly longboard accessories. Therefore, you must read all the tips and tricks highlighted here before you start riding even in wet conditions. Lastly, riding a longboard in wet conditions will also question that for how long is your longboard going to last.

Find a Waterproof Longboard

First of all, the most suitable solution for getting safe from injuries due to wet surfaces is to get a longboard which is waterproof. Finding a waterproof longboard isn’t difficult at all as there are multiple products available in the online market. These longboards are specifically designed to handle wetness on the ground and on the deck equally. Most importantly, we have ridden such boards in rain and their performance was impressive.

The presence of paint and coating over the deck make the longboard resistible against the water. These decks can quickly absorb water and perform according to the requirements. Due to extra facilities, these boards are costlier than simpler longboards. Furthermore, during the inspection we noticed that the waterproof boards are not slippery which is a great features. 

Disadvantages of having a Non-Waterproof Longboard

You can imagine the end result of riding a longboard at higher speed especially when it is raining. The wet surface doesn’t impact longboard wheels most of the time, but they do get dirty due to mud on the way. But, if the wheels stay wet for an extended period, their quality can quickly get nasty.

Wheels’ traction is the most important thing, and it gets affected due to their presence in the water for a long time. In this case, you will need robust longboard helmet and longboard knee pads.

Waterproof Longboard Bearings

Bearings are important part in a longboard or a skateboard and make your rides safer in different ways. Besides wheels, bearings inside them have minor effects due to rain. Just like wheels, due to continuous wetness, bearings get rusted. If you make sure to dry the bearings after every ride in the shower, bearings will stay working as per their specifications.

longboarding in rain

But, if you don’t dry them regularly, they will stop generating speed due to the rust. There are ceramic bearings available online that are expensive but can withstand wetness. These bearings only need to be oiled regularly, and they will outperform every other set of bearings available anywhere. 

Longboard Decks

We believe that longboarding in rain is highly dependent on the deck of your longboard. There is a high possibility of the deck getting broken if it gets wet more than its resistance against water. Due to this, some extra features need to be established for the better performance of decks.

Deck for longboarding in the rain

Firstly, wrap up the deck with a towel or any dried cloth. The cloth or towel will extract the water from the board and dry it. The easiest way to process dryness is to dispatch all hardware parts. After the longboard parts are dried completely, reassemble them. Again, if you don’t want to engage in these annoying things, buy a waterproof longboard. Heavy riders can also look for a suitable longboard.

Precautions before Skating on Wet Ground

It might surprise you but a proper dress is essential during the ride to get the dirt, and you won’t mind. The most important thing is to wear non-slippery longboarding shoes. Your feet control your board, and the shoes you wear must not slip so that you can responsively handle the board during the critical rainy season. Some rain wheels can be helpful because they can provide the required traction on wet skating surfaces. 

Using a cheap longboard on a rainy day is better so that any mishap doesn’t affect you money-wise. Don’t make use of a regular longboard unless not necessary. If you have to use a regular one, make sure you do the essential steps after longboarding on a wet surface. 

Precautions during Longboarding in the Rain

When riding on a longboard and the rain is expected, you should have all safety gear, including helmets, pads, and gloves. This is for your utmost safety. As the ground is soggy, you need to take turns carefully. The painted graphics on the asphalt can get you off the road, so you should stay away from them. Keep whole of your weight on the center of the board. Otherwise, the board will slip under your feet, and a crash can happen. 

Steps to take After Riding in Rain

The job is not done even after taking necessary steps before and during longboarding in the rain. After you are done with your ride, separate all the longboard parts. Now, make all these parts dry with a dried cloth or towel. Deck and bearings should be entirely dried before another ride. If the bearings stay dry, they won’t rust and perform flawlessly. Similarly, if the deck is dry, its responsiveness remains equally well. 

FAQs for Longboarding In Rain

Can you Ride a Longboard in the Rain?

Longboarding experience varies during multiple seasons. Usually, dry weather doesn’t impact a lot on riding, but the scenario changes when the ground is wet due to rain. It is not impossible to ride a longboard when the clouds are pouring rain, but there are some crucial things to handle before sliding in the rain.

For example, longboard wheels, bearings inside the wheels, longboard grip tape, non-slippery decks, and sturdy trucks are essential hardware parts that can make a difference. If these parts are according to the specifications, it becomes safer to ride a longboard during heavy rain. 

Is it bad to skate in the rain?

It isn’t easy to skate in the rain compared to simple weather. The chances of slipping increase when you ride on a wet surface; hence, injuries increase too. If you take care of some tips, riding in the rain can become as safe as longboarding in non-rainy weather. 

Can Grip Tape Get Wet?

The prominent functionality of grip tape is to provide the required traction during the ride. Even if it is raining, the tape performs its function quite well. But, when grip tape gets in contact with water over a continuous period, it starts losing adhesion.

These tapes can withstand wetness for some time, but their performance becomes zero if they repeatedly stay wet. Hence, it would help to dry out the grip tape after longboarding in the rain. Once you completely remove wetness from the tape, you are free to use it for another rainy ride. 


We have specified everything you need to take care of during longboarding in the rain throughout the discussion. Also, we have included a few more essential points regarding this and shared what we have experienced from this. A water-resistant grip tape, ceramic bearings, traction-full wheels, and the sturdy deck is everything you need in a longboard.

Boards with these specifications can not only keep you safe from injuries but also ensure you enjoy all longboard tips and tricks during the rain. All longboard facts have been stated before you, and now you are good to go for longboarding in the rain. 

Written by: Andrew Norris

Hello, I am Andrew, and I am an experienced longboard rider since my early boyhood days. I have had multiple longboards throughout my life and has gained an invaluable experience about the build quality, structure, and performance.

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